David A.Towle


  • Inspirational Leadership
  • Accountability
  • Unity
  • Positive Change

Exclamnation™ was born out of a strong desire to boost our nation and unite people to create a better future. We are passionate about creating BIG change and holding our government leaders accountable so that they truly serve “WE the people” - instead of their own special interests, lobbyist groups, donors, and the like. Our ultimate mission is to unify our country so that we stand strong TOGETHER, as citizens who want to create a better America for ourselves and future generations.

Our Mission


Hold elected government officials in Washington, D.C. accountable for their actions, or lack of action


Bridge the gap and heal the division that’s created by defining ourselves as Republican or Democrat


Inspire current and future generations to question and reinvent current political systems and policies that are failing “we the people”


Create a new political party apart from Republicans or Democrats - which will better serve all people, free from the influence of religious principals, special interests, or lobbyist groups

Everywhere I go, I hear people saying that they’re so tired and embarrassed of our political system, and they don’t want to be identified as Democrat or Republican. Since I can relate, the motivation behind Exclamnation™ is to unite like-minded people so that we can come together in strength to unite our country and create positive change.
David A. Towle
CEO & Co-Founder

At Exclamnation™, we are currently looking for blog contributors, donors, and anyone who can help us spread the word to create positive change in our country. If you’re interested in being involved with this exciting political movement, please reach out and let us know!